Responsive Feeding: Learning to Respond to Your Child’s Feeding Cues
Responsive feeding is an approach that has gained significant attention lately, and for good reason. It involves tuning in to your child's hunger cues and fullness signals to provide food when they're hungry and stop when they're full. In this post, we'll explore the benefits of responsive feeding and offer practical tips and strategies for parents/caregivers who want to embrace this approach for their child.
Nature Based Occupational Therapy
Nature based occupational therapy can provide a unique treatment apporach to help children engage in social skills, sensory processing, and broader life skill tasks with more confidence.
Fine Motor Skills: What are they and how does OT help?
Fine motor skills are important for any child’s success in life. Find out how occupational therapy can help your child’s fine motor development.
What is Sensory Processing Disorder and How Can O.T. Help?
What is sensory processing disorder and how can occupational therapy help my child?
Why Do I Have to Nag my Child: The Importance of Executive Functioning
Do you feel like you are always nagging your child to complete simple tasks? Executive Functioning problems may be at the root of your challenges.
What is Family Centered Occupational Therapy?
This week we explain what Family Centered Pediatric Occupational Therapy is and how it is different than traditional pediatric approaches.